Violin Method – 6 levels to success

Florian Meierott & Iris Schmid, Violin Method, Early Start Book (Level 1), 2nd edition

ISBN 978-3-9814638-0-4 (german version)


  • This book is the ideal starting point for children from 1–5 years old. For older children and adult beginners we recommend starting with Book 2.
  • learning the first finger pattern
  • becoming aware of the different strings and fingers
  • learning the basics of pitch notation
  • recognising basic durations from semibreves (whole notes) to quavers (eighth notes), including dotted minims (half notes) and crotchets (quarter notes)
  • basic rhythmical patterns
  • learning to use the bow: up and down bows, slurs, portato, retaking and saving the bow, changing strings and upbeats.
  • mastering many songs and classical melodies in the first finger patterns
  • precise rhythmical training
  • 6 hours playalong-material


153 pages in large colour print

Violin Method, Stage 1

29,50 €

  • 0,7 kg
  • verfügbar / available
  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit / 1- 3 days shipping time (in Germany) Delivery and delivery times to locations outside of Germany may vary individually1

Florian Meierott, Violin Method, Level 2, 2nd expanded edition

ISBN 978-3-9814638-1-1 (german version)



  • ideal starting point for 5-6 year olds and adult beginners
  • 2nd expanded edition with many photos of finger patterns, which are clearly incorporated into the music exmples
  • many daily exercises to prepare position changes, which can be used without having to read specific pitches
  • mastery of the G-major and E-minor scales with string changes and finger preparation
  • learning detaché, slurs and staccato
  • smooth string crossing using shoulder and wrist flexibility
  • building endurance with more extended and complex pieces including key changes
  • specific left hand training with finger exercises
  • specific bow training
  • development of harmonic sense by means of scales and studies with piano accompaniment
  • introduction to musical symbols and expression marks such as pauses, forte and piano
  • understanding all the major and minor intervals
  • understanding all the accidentals
  • introduction of double stops
  • easily understandable preparatory exercises for changing position
  • comprehensive rhythm and theory training
  • over 3 hours of music with playback CD in various tempi



143 pages in colour

Violin Method, Stage 2

29,50 €

  • 0,6 kg
  • verfügbar / available
  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit / 1- 3 days shipping time (in Germany) Delivery and delivery times to locations outside of Germany may vary individually1

Florian Meierott, Violin Method, Level 3, 2nd edition

ISBN 978-3-9814638-2-8 (german version)



  • secure grasp of all the common key signatures
  • recognising performance indications and tempo markings
  • increased agility
  • new bowing techniques such as sautillé and arpeggios
  • virtuoso pieces by Paganini und Bach compositions in a simplified form, and Haydn string quartets
  • chromatic scales and passages
  • more advanced double stopping
  • comprehensive rhythm training
  • music theory and history
  • Play-along CD in comfortable tempi available separately (over 4 hours long)
  • specific exercises for position changes


191 pages 

Violin Method, Stage 3

29,50 €

  • 0,75 kg
  • verfügbar / available
  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit / 1- 3 days shipping time (in Germany) Delivery and delivery times to locations outside of Germany may vary individually1

Florian Meierott, Violin Method-E, Level 4

ISBN 978-3-9821758-5-0 (international version in english/german)


  • mastering the 3rd position including scales
  • changing from 1st position to 3rd
  • edited versions with fingering and bowings of the Bach A-minor Concerto, Vivaldi A-minor and G-major concertos and Dvořák Sonatina using only 1st and 3rd positions.
  • Double stopping in 1st and 3rd positions
  • 2nd position in scales, intervals anf arpeggios
  • comprehensive practice material in 2nd position
  • many performance pieces in the first three positions (Mozart string quartets, complete Bach double concerto and other well-known compositions)
  • Over 8 hours of play-along files included for download


139 pages

Violin Method, Stage 4

29,50 €

  • 0,55 kg
  • verfügbar / available
  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit / 1- 3 days shipping time (in Germany) Delivery and delivery times to locations outside of Germany may vary individually1

Florian Meierott, Violin Method, Level 5, 2nd edition

ISBN 978-3-9814638-4-2 (german version)



  • mastering all the positions
  • music theory relevant to the violin
  • introduction to the masterpieces of the repertoire with moderately difficult cadenzas :

           Bach A-minor Concerto

           Haydn G-major Concerto

           Mozart G-major Concerto

           Bach D-minor Double Concerto

           Vivaldi Four Seasons

  • A selection of Bach‘s solo pieces
  • Various studies and scale exercises
  • complete play-along recordings in moderate tempo for all the pieces in Book 5



151 pages

Violin Method, Stage 5

29,50 €

  • 0,6 kg
  • verfügbar / available
  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit / 1- 3 days shipping time (in Germany) Delivery and delivery times to locations outside of Germany may vary individually1

„Greatest Works for Violin“ - The Gold Book


 ISBN 978-3-9821758-2-9


„Greatest Works for Violin“ - The Gold Book


The ultimate solution for professional violinists, students and motivated teachers.



Many important violin masterpieces in one volume, showing the original phrasing plus carefully considered bowings and fingerings.


For each piece (including the unaccompanied works by Bach, Paganini and Ysaÿe) a playback track for intonation and rhythmical training can be ordered soon separately, with the piano accompaniments available in various tempi. The piano parts have been recorded by one of the best and most experienced accompanists in Germany – Rudoph Ramming, from the Würzburg Music Academy.


From summer 2021 an accompaniment for 2nd violin will also be seperately available for all the pieces, which is ideal for teaching, practice and informal performance.






Czardas Vittorio Monti (1868–1922)


Scène de ballet Op. 100 Charles-Auguste de Bériot (1802-1870)


Cantabile Niccolò Paganini (1782–1840)


The Bee (die Biene) Franz Schubert (Dresden) (1808-1878) arr. A. Wilhelmj


Romance in F-major Op. 50 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827)


Caprice No. 16 Niccolò Paganini


Légende Op. 17 Henryk Wieniawski (1835-1880)


Moto Perpetuo Op. 11 Niccolò Paganini (1782–1840)


Romanza Andaluza Op. 22 Pablo de Sarasate (1844–1908)


Konzertstück in D-major Franz Schubert (1797–1828)


Caprice No. 13 Niccolò Paganini (1782–1840)


Gipsy airs op. 20 Pablo de Sarasate (1844–1908)


Sonata in E-minor (Violin and Guitar) Niccolò Paganini (1782–1840)


Concerto No. 4 in D-major KV 218 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756–1791)


Caprice No. 5 Niccolò Paganini (1782–1840)


Violin Concerto No. 1 in G-Minor Max Bruch (1838–1920)


Sonata III in C-major BWV 1005 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)


Violin Concerto in E-minor Op. 64 Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809–1847)


Introduction and Tarentella Op.43 Pablo de Sarasate (1844–1908)


Dark Elegy Florian Meierott (*1968)


Polonaise de concert Op. 4 Henri Wieniawski (1835–1880)


Introduction et Rondo capriccioso Op. 28 Camille Saint-Saëns (1835–1921)


Violin Concerto in D- Major op. 61 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827)


Caprice No. 1 Niccolò Paganini (1782–1840)


Sonata No. 3 Op. 27 No. 3 – „Ballade“ Eugène Ysaÿe (1858–1931)


Caprice No. 24 Niccolò Paganini (1782–1840)



All pieces edited by Florian Meierott




204 pages



„Greatest Works for Violin“ - The Gold Book The ultimate solution for professional violinists, students and motivated teachers. Many important violin masterpieces in one volume, showing the original phrasing plus carefully considered bowings and fingerings.

29,50 €

  • 0,8 kg
  • verfügbar / available
  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit / 1- 3 days shipping time (in Germany) Delivery and delivery times to locations outside of Germany may vary individually1