Begleitbände zur Violinschule

Florian Meierott, Iris Schmid, Violin School, piano accompaniment to

volume 1 als PDF-Download

  • All performance pieces from volumes 1 in moderate difficulty, arranged by Iris Schmid.
  • Ideal for parents and teachers.

The download is free of charge in connection with purchase of Volume 1!


Violinschule Florian Meierott_Klavierbeg
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 734.3 KB

Florian Meierott, Iris Schmid, Violin School, piano accompaniment to volumes 2 and 3

ISBN 978-3-9814638-5-9

  • All performance pieces from volumes 2 and 3 of moderate difficulty, arranged by Iris Schmid.
  • Ideal for parents and teachers.


Klavierbegleitung zu 2 und 3

19,50 €

  • 0,71 kg
  • verfügbar / available
  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit / 1- 3 days shipping time (in Germany) Delivery and delivery times to locations outside of Germany may vary individually1

Florian Meierott, Violin School, Violin accompaniment to volumes 2 and 3

ISBN 978-3-9814638-7-3


Accompaniments for all performance pieces from volumes 2 and 3 for violin. Ideal for lessons and student concerts without piano.

Violinbegleitung zu 2 und 3

19,50 €

  • 0,71 kg
  • verfügbar / available
  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit / 1- 3 days shipping time (in Germany) Delivery and delivery times to locations outside of Germany may vary individually1

Florian Meierott, Iris Schmid, Violin School, piano and violin accompaniment for volumes 4 and 5

ISBN 978-3-9814638-6-6


Accompaniments for all performance pieces from volumes 4 and 5 with either violin or piano.
Works such as the Bach Concerto in A minor or the Dvorak Sonatina as violin duets for effective use in lessons. The violin concertos by Haydn and Mozart are already provided with sensible cuts in the piano accompaniment for student performances.



Violin-und Klavierbegleitung zu 4 und 5

19,50 €

  • 0,71 kg
  • verfügbar / available
  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit / 1- 3 days shipping time (in Germany) Delivery and delivery times to locations outside of Germany may vary individually1